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Marlborough Primary School

Educational Workshops & School Trips

At Marlborough we aim to enrich our children’s learning experiences through wider opportunities with a range of workshops, educational trips and visits.

For many children school trips offer prospects to broaden their horizons and enhance their experiences. We plan all school trips to link in with learning in school.

All school trips are risk assessed for health and safety compliance and budgeted in order to cover additional costs to the school.

We deepen our curriculum with activities outside of the school environment to include experiences such as; going into London, farm trips, local walks, sports events and theatre groups.

The value of each visit contributes to the children’s wider understanding of topics covered each term. With parental consent and support our children enjoy travelling and learning in new places and also build on their knowledge of the local community and living in London.

In Key Stage 2, we also offer our older children opportunities to go away for residential trips for wider adventure.